We made sure donations on your site go smooth & easy
LiveWell makes sure that donations work great on your new website; the theme is equipped with neat donation list and single page templates, donation elements, and it’s fully compatible with the Give plugin.
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Comes with a great module for sharing patient’s stories
Feature the stories about the experiences of your residents or patients with LiveWell’s compact and carefully designed story list and single story layouts – it’s super easy & it makes for a captivating presentation.
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Feature your news, stories, and your latest events
LiveWell has every aspect of your online presence covered – it also lets you display all your upcoming events in great detail with the help of its custom-made event layouts, and you get all the blog layouts you’ll ever need.
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LiveWell has a predesigned inner page for just about any purpose imaginable.
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A theme made specifically so you can create an amazing site with ease.
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